Imagine liberatory pathways that bridge inner and outer transformative social change and scale time to meet the actual reality of what is going on. Sometimes that means slowing down, going deep into unpacking the way that old paradigms exist in us, and spending the time to unwind them. 

When we engage in the work of discontinuity at some scale, we go against the stream of systems and institutions designed and invested in maintaining the status quo. At XC we are rewriting the script on how we relate to people. That is the transformation we are contributing to. 

Get in where you fit in.

Time, Energy, Attention and Resources, T.E.A.R.s

“Give of your time, your energy, your attention, your resources, to the things that transform the world, your life, the planet around you. Whatever it is that matters to you. Go for it. Contribute to it, put your back into it. About 80% of our lives, we’re blowing it off doing some kind of weird stuff that actually doesn’t really matter–we’re sloughing off the 80%. The stuff that really matters happens in the 20%. And I’m saying, give half of that to the things that are transforming your life. Give half of that. Ten percent sounds like a little–it’s huge.
Meet your life where it’s at, meet your experience where it’s at, be honest with yourself about where you are –whether you are actually matching what you are spending your time and energy on with what transformative change means to you. If you are not spending your time, your energy, your attention, and your resources on the things that bring transformative change into your life – Go start. Go start right away.”
~ Rev angel Kyodo williams, Founder and Senior Fellow

Right: T.E.A.R.s excerpt from Scale Transformative Change event, February 2022

Rev. angel Kyodo williams founded what was first known as Urban Peace in the year 2000. From solo-run org to residential community to the first national center supporting activists from the inside out, the form and name have changed over time. Like everyone, we have had to reimagine how we do our work in the world these past few years.

Transformative Change (XC) is now a distributed organization that stewards the potent 5-pillar Framework for Liberation, that Rev. angel designed for both personal and institutional transformation. It continues to be led by Rev angel, alongside a dedicated core team.

The Transformative Change body of work is potent because of the constellations of people who have formed with and around the core team. XC is designed and poised for taking over two decades of study, practice, and testing into the future of transforming society. And we only do this in relationship, as a collective.

Engage With Us

Contribute Time, Attention, Energy and Resources (TEARs) to scale transformative change – the organization and the movement. Be part of generating a dynamic living organization that lets us all be in direct relationship with the reality of now.